A Critique Of Temptation: Confessions Of A Marriage Counselor, A Movie By Tyler Perry

A strong desire or urge to do or have something is called temptation. There are many temptations that people face in their daily lives. We all have flaws and will experience temptations. But how they handle that craving tells a lot about who they are. Even though we all feel temptations, we have to be mindful of what is best for our own good. I was recommended by a friend to watch the film Temptation: Confessions and Advice of a Marriage Counselor a number years ago. Tyler Perry directed the film and it was released on December 13, 2013. It’s about Judith, a woman who falls in love with Brice and begins to feel her needs. She is content with her life and enjoys a happy marriage. But she longs for more. Although I was initially reluctant to watch the movie, I am glad I finally did. It is both suspenseful and good. The movie Temptation shows what happens if we allow temptations to control us. This film has a significant meaning.

It is possible to fall prey to our temptations and end up in serious trouble. This movie shows it clearly. We are first introduced to Judith & Brice, a married couple. Ideal couple, together since their youth and seemingly madly inlove. Brice works in pharmacy and Judith is a therapist. They live a normal life. Even though Judith appears to have a perfect life, she starts to regret it. One day, Judith is introduced to Harley while at work. He is very wealthy, handsome, and successful. Judith isn’t afraid of him initially, as she knows he is a loving husband who doesn’t want her to look his way. Harley taunts Judith daily and tells them that their marriage is boring. She suddenly realizes she does not love her husband and she wants more. He begins to pamper her with expensive vacations, jewelry and clothes. Judith claims she is happy. However, it is actually her desires that are taking her over. She soon discovers the consequences. Harley demands that she divorce her husband. She doesn’t want it. She discovers her husband is having an affair, and the two argue until Harley leaves him. Harley gets angry at her and begins to abuse her. He starts to abuse her when she tells he she is leaving. While he is beating her up, Brice walks by and asks him to stop. He saves his life. Judith later discovers that Harley had given her HIV. Even though he seemed perfect, it was not. He abuse her, gave HIV to her, and ended her marriage. She had many problems because she couldn’t control her temptations or be content with the things she had. Our temptations can lead to our destruction. Tyler Perry took a very simple storyline about a marriage and turned it into something that can happen to anyone. I was shocked at how selfish impulses can lead to disaster. The movie may not have ended in disaster, but it does give viewers an idea of how our selfish impulses can lead us to pain. It exposed the dangers associated with relationships such as infidelity or domestic abuse. It showed the effects of HIV, and how easy it is to contract it. Judith was a typical woman who had a good husband and lived a comfortable life. However, she was driven to more and her infidelity ultimately led her to her ruin. The movie shows us how rebellious choices can lead to heavy consequences. Domestic violence was also a reality for her, which is not acceptable. She does not leave abusive relationships quickly. Her contracting HIV while she was in a relationship with someone carrying it would have dramatic consequences. This is an illegal act that she committed, even though it was wrong. It is a great movie. Tyler Perry makes this clear. We must be aware of who we surround ourselves with because these things do happen. Tyler Perry said that the film’s message about making bad choices and how one decision can make a difference in your life was what made it so important (Perry). Perry does an excellent job in incorporating messages into his films. Many of the things he films highlight are common in our society. He points out domestic violence as a problem and suggests that there should be ways to stop it. Many of the messages in this movie are about the consequences of certain impulses.

The movie is full of messages but some critics may find it too melodramatic. The movie’s storyline is good, but they are not overdramatic. Common Sense Media calls the movie “A soapy melodrama with mixed messages about love, marriage” (Angulo). Entertainment Weekly also commented that Perry’s middling melodrama gets a soap-opera kick with some wild third-act twists. All the finger-wagging is tiring after some time” (Nashawaty). The movie is criticized for being confusing and complex by both reviewers. Although some may find the movie too dramatic, there is still a compelling story that viewers can understand. This movie is meant for people to be inspired to make better lifestyle choices. It doesn’t matter how the message has been presented. What matters is that it is understood.


  • ellenoble

    Elle Noble is a 33-year-old educational blogger, volunteer, and mother. She has been blogging for over a decade and has amassed a large following among educators and parents. She has written articles on a variety of topics, including education, parenting, and child development. She is also a regular contributor to the blog blog.com/ellenoble.

ellenoble Written by:

Elle Noble is a 33-year-old educational blogger, volunteer, and mother. She has been blogging for over a decade and has amassed a large following among educators and parents. She has written articles on a variety of topics, including education, parenting, and child development. She is also a regular contributor to the blog blog.com/ellenoble.

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