Individuality: Lead The Way Or Follow It

Many people believe they know what it is to be an independent person. People may say they understand it as being yourself, not doing what everyone else does. Although this definition is widely accepted, it is not the only way to define individuality. Let me explain how the outside world can influence a persons individuality. The world is a big influence on people’s decisions. They are influenced by what is trendy and popular. I’ll tell you that being individual is about power and freedom. It’s possible that individuality is different today than in the past. It’s a lonely state that only the bravest individuals can enter. It is about stepping outside of social norms to be yourself.

Every individual on Earth counts. The number of individuals on the planet is used to calculate the population. Individuality is what? The dictionary defines individuality as the characteristic or quality of an object or person that makes it different from others. This is especially true when the character or quality is very distinct. The world and every person would remain the same if this concept of “individuality” did not exist. No diversity would exist, as everyone would have the same religion or language. It includes wearing clothes that make you comfortable, regardless of their fashion, or listening to the latest music. Being unique is a way to express yourself.

Every human being has the power to express their individuality. It is a decision-making ability that can go against popular opinion or behavior. “The individual acts as an expression of power. It is its element, to the extent it has this effect” (2 Rozmarin). Without independence, people would be shackled to the pop culture of their society and conform. Rozmarin says that the individual (.) Rozmarin also explains that “the individual (.)

The way people differentiate themselves from their society is what shapes them. Individuality was the key to success for some of the smartest people. Individuality can be a very powerful thing.

Freedom is the freedom from coercive control and to pursue one’s goals. Individualism is a vital part of freedom. They have the freedom to be themselves, to act according to their own ideas and to be original. Integrity and success can come from one’s own integrity. Freedom to be an individual allows people to be independent and work together with others for greater success. Individuality allows people to flourish in their community. Individuality’s last meaning is to be able to take ownership of yourself. Owning your body is a sign of self-trust. The tension is that, although owning your own body is necessary to realizing yourself as free and an owner, it cannot be explained by the metaphysical claim that one makes to own things in general.

Ciavatta states in the quote above that before being able to own things, you must be fully responsible for yourself. Another article stated that “(.) The individual can only examine themselves as an ‘active person’ who is determined and specific (Tyler, 2015). You must be fully responsible for your body, and your actions. Nancy Suarez Castro: To express individuality, you must take full ownership of your body and all your actions. This is a wide term that has many interpretations. Individuality means expressing your power, freedom, or ownership. It makes the world more diverse and independent. The world without individualism would be dull.


  • ellenoble

    Elle Noble is a 33-year-old educational blogger, volunteer, and mother. She has been blogging for over a decade and has amassed a large following among educators and parents. She has written articles on a variety of topics, including education, parenting, and child development. She is also a regular contributor to the blog

ellenoble Written by:

Elle Noble is a 33-year-old educational blogger, volunteer, and mother. She has been blogging for over a decade and has amassed a large following among educators and parents. She has written articles on a variety of topics, including education, parenting, and child development. She is also a regular contributor to the blog

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